Auditions for a Dickens’ classic—‘Oliver Twist’
Gilroy Recreation Department invites young actors to try out for its spring production

Calling all young actors! Gilroy Recreation Department is holding tryouts for its spring performance. South Valley sat down for a chat with the show’s director Hilary Little.
Why did you choose this play for your theater company?
Not only is this musical widely popular with audiences in New York and London but it is a treasured piece at children’s theatre companies everywhere. This show offers several featured parts for younger and older performers and has a wildly enthusiastic ensemble sure to steal the show. Songs like “Consider Yourself,” “Oom Pah Pah” and “As Long As He Needs Me” show why this musical is a true theatre classic loved by all ages.
Personally, this classic is very dear to me as I grew up having performed in it three times in Gilroy, twice as a child and once as a teen graduating to the role of Nancy. Recently, I was fortunate to perform with my sisters and mother—making it a true family affair.
What is the setting for the play?
Based on Charles Dickens classic novel the show is set in Victorian England and follows the journey of Oliver Twist, an orphan searching for a family. Always looking for kindness in others Oliver crosses paths with many memorable characters and learns that sometimes goodness is found in the most unlikely places. With adventure, humor, heartbreak and uplifting tenderness, OLIVER has something for the whole family.
Who should try out?
In our tradition of casting everyone, we are looking for children and teens ages 6 to 17. Theater can be a very positive experience for all children. If your child loves to sing and dance and is outgoing theater is a natural outlet for their talents but it is wonderful to see how the shy somewhat introverted child can grow and blossom in the creative and team building environment of children’s theater.
How can actors prepare?
Please join us for “Know the Show!” A fun, family event we are hosting at 11am, Saturday, Jan. 20 at the Gilroy Senior Center. We will sing some songs together, look at the different roles available, watch video clips and learn a bit of the audition dance. The whole family is invited to attend and we look forward to seeing some new and familiar faces very soon!
Gilroy Recreation Department invites children ages 6 to 17 to audition for its April, 2018 production of ‘Oliver Twist’, Saturday Jan. 27 11am (ages 6-11) 1pm (ages 12-17) at Gilroy Senior Center, 7371 Hannah Street. For details please contact the Gilroy Recreation Department, 408.846.0460 or Little Theatre Productions at or [email protected].