Gilroy Garlic Festival 2019 poster winner

WINNER The official 2019 Gilroy Garlic Festival poster was designed by Chloe Crossman of Gardena.

Southern California resident Chloe Crossman won the Gilroy Garlic Festival’s nationwide contest to create an official poster design for the 2019 event. 

Crossman won the $500 prize for her poster design, which came in first place. The design will be sold on souvenir items throughout the three-day festival. 

All designs were voted on by the Garlic Festival Association.

This will be Crossman’s first year attending the festival as a native of Oakland who now lives in Gardena in Southern California. According to a press release from the Garlic Festival, Crossman’s inspiration was to “create something fun and fresh that focused on the beauty of garlic flowers and also captured the spirit of the Gilroy Garlic Festival.”

Second-place winner William Harris of Maricopa, Ariz. and third-place winner Priscilla Martinez of Watsonville were awarded $250 and $100, respectively, for their submissions. Copies of all winning posters will be available for sale at the Garlic Mercantile Store at the festival.

Crossman’s design will be on Garlic Festival merchandise. She told the association in a press release, “I’m really excited to eat as much garlic as I can.”