Articles by Kimberly Ewertz

About Kimberly Ewertz
Kimberly Ewertz is a freelance writer for South Valley magazine and Gilroy Dispatch.

All aflutter with color

Popular home decor trends like white on white kitchens, and barn door sliders, are no longer at the top of interior designers’ lists, so what are the “hot trends” for 2017? Teri Koss of Design Studio in Morgan Hill, began her career 35 years ago and says she doesn’t [...]

Shelter from the storm

After this winter’s storms, local residents realized just how important it is to perform routine checkups on their homes. A key step in ensuring a home’s safety and value is roof maintenance. Tom Sparling, longtime Morgan Hill resident and owner of Calpac Roofing since 1981, [...]

For the love of song

At just 19, a young Gilroy woman had assembled a repertoire of characters that easily rivals those of musical theater veterans, including lead roles in the productions of The Drowsy Chaperone, Singing in the Rain, and The Wizard of Oz. So, who is this Gilroy superstar? She is [...]

School 2.0

Today, online resources are a routine part of our daily lives, from how we communicate to how we pay our bills. Online technology is behind it all, and for some, that includes the pursuit of higher education. Gilroy resident Dawn Jarvis, 50, returned to school in 2010, and for [...]

Lotions & potions

Some will choose flowers, others candy, but for those ready to cross the line from traditional gifts this Valentine’s Day, the Black Label Jack Rabbit personal massager, a sleek black apparatus offering three pleasure points of sensation—is the gift that keeps on giving, and [...]
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