
Flower power

Debra Eskinazi is the editor of South Valley magazine.
Debra Eskinazi
Latest posts by Debra Eskinazi (see all)
Since 1983 the Wildflower Run has been fundraising to support the education of women. Former director Elizabeth Mandel is in charge of publicity this year and says she’s been living and breathing this event every winter for the past seven. “We raise close to $50,000 a year [...]

Dogs on skateboards

Debra Eskinazi is the editor of South Valley magazine.
Debra Eskinazi
Latest posts by Debra Eskinazi (see all)
Look just about anywhere in the South Valley and everyone has some sort of display for the arts. Rarely though do we pay tribute to children in the arts. Running through the end of March, the dental offices of Dr. Jernell Escobar will be holding an exhibit for siblings Aksel and [...]
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