Local journalist releases book on coping with divorce

Kimberly Ewertz. Submitted photo

In 1990, Kimberly Ewertz filed for divorce, taking herself and her then-10-year-old son away from an emotionally abusive marriage that lasted for a dozen years.

She couldn’t have imagined the long, difficult road that laid ahead for her and her son. But looking back on it now, 30 years later, Ewertz said it was all worth it. She now lives in Gilroy with her husband Steve, and her son is leading a successful life.

Five years ago, Ewertz began looking for ways she could use her experience to help others going through a similar traumatic time. But as she was looking through the various literature that discussed the topic, she noticed something missing.

Most books on divorce touched on the children, yet they never told their whole story, from when they first learned of their parents’ separation to the present day. 

So Ewertz, a journalist for three decades, decided to write her own book.

“Family Redefined: Childhood Reflections on the Impact of Divorce” is now available at BookSmart in Morgan Hill, on publisher Little Creek Press’ website and on Amazon.

Ewertz spent the last five years interviewing children of divorced parents, learning how they coped with the sudden upheaval of their normal lives. She hopes that by sharing these stories, it will help provide a roadmap to children and parents going through this experience.

It also provides guidance Ewertz wishes she had all those years ago.

“I want it to go in the hands of the people who need it,” she said. “That was the guiding force motivating me to do this. I feel it’s something missing in that market. I’ve been there and I could’ve used it.”

In addition to the personal accounts, Ewertz also interviewed marriage and family counseling professionals who provide advice for divorced parents.

Ewertz moved to Gilroy from St. Louis, Mo. in 1998. She began her journalism career as an editor at St. Louis Community College Meramec.

After college, she wrote for numerous publications throughout the years, and is a frequent contributor to the Gilroy Dispatch, South Valley and other publications.

“I’ve always had an interest in telling other people’s stories,” she said. “That is my strong suit.”

With “Family Redefined,” Ewertz hopes she can help at least one family by sharing the stories of others.

“Every story has a positive ending, no matter how difficult the travel was,” she said. “You get that positivity from them.”

For information, visit familyredefinedbook.com.

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