

Laura Ness is an accomplished freelance writer offering travel tips and commentary on the California wine industry.
Latest posts by Laura Ness (see all)
Pick up a bottle of Calerrain wine and your eye is drawn to the embossed coastline of California running from top to bottom of the textured white label. Tracing the Pacific’s edge, it also traces the journey of Geoff and Chantelle Mace as they traverse the California terrain [...]

Calerrain tastings

Laura Ness is an accomplished freelance writer offering travel tips and commentary on the California wine industry.
Latest posts by Laura Ness (see all)
Inspired by a growing love of California’s many wine regions they wanted to share with others, Geoff and Chantal Mace created Calerrain, a combination of “California” and “terrain.” They source grapes from the Santa Clara Valley, Santa Lucia Highlands and San Benito, [...]