Who are the Lutherans?

Debra Eskinazi is the editor of South Valley magazine.
Debra Eskinazi
Latest posts by Debra Eskinazi (see all)
What do Lutherans believe about sin? What does bread and wine symbolize to Lutherans? Who was Martin Luther anyway? Beginning with Protestant reformers in 16th-century Europe, this year marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, which spawned Lutheranism—one of [...]

What Jews believe

Debra Eskinazi is the editor of South Valley magazine.
Debra Eskinazi
Latest posts by Debra Eskinazi (see all)
If you’ve ever wondered what Jesus has to do with Judaism or what the Jewish concept of sin is, these are the types of questions that will be addressed during the Interfaith Community of South County’s (ICSC) event The Faith of Our Neighbors: Judaism. “The idea is to [...]