Plenty of rides scheduled to share cycling passion

GROUP RIDE Cycling is more enjoyable when it is shared with friends. Photo: Curt Hentschke

Happy 243rd, USA!

Summertime is not leave-the-bike-in-the-garage-and-wait-for-the-temps-to-drop time. Oh, no! Summer is slather-on-the-sunscreen-pack-extra-water-don-the-sun-protection-and-get-outside time. 

We are blessed to live in a time when store shelves and online catalogs are teeming with multitudinous amounts of possibilities for protecting our precious skin from the damaging rays of Mr. Sol. From high-SPF-rated sunscreens to solar sleeves, from wrap-around sunglasses to wide-brimmed headgear that interfaces with your helmet, it’s out there, so take advantage of it!

As the bicycle columnist for the distinguished publication you are now reading, I am often asked, “Hey, Cycle Guy, where do I find people with whom to share my cycling passion?” Whereupon I suggest that they start by returning to the shop where they purchased their bike. You see, local cycle shops often sponsor group rides and events, and, if they don’t, they can––dare I say?––steer you in the right direction.

Let’s take a look, for example, at Morgan Hill’s Bike Therapy. Doug Hall and his terrific team have this whole “bringing cyclists together through fun” thing dialed in. Just check out Bike Therapy’s online presence (, Facebook, et al.) and you will discover bajillions of cycle-social selections: MTB, road, women’s, senior and family rides, not to mention festivals, clinics, demos, potlucks and more.

It’s summer! Make it great! 

Save the Dates

• July 6: Watsonville Criterium,

• July 20: Tour de MALT–Nicasio,

• July 20: Santa Cruz Mountains Challenge–Santa Cruz,

• Aug. 3: Marin Century/Mt. Tam Double,

• Aug. 10: Garden Railroad Tour–South County, [email protected]

• Aug. 11: Arthritis Bike Classic–Novato,

Curt “Cycle Guy” Hentschke has pedaled more than 60,000 miles of South Valley and San Benito County trails. Send your cycle celebrations to [email protected]. Check for last minute changes before attending.

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