Realtor’s Corner: Jackie McAbee

Because I specialize in relocation for buyers moving to our newly emerging real estate market in San Benito County, the goal of my initial consultation with my buyer is to determine which stage they are in their life; are they a first-time home buyer relocating to a more affordable region, are they retiring to downsize or are they investing in property. I then find the perfect homes to present within their qualified price range. I go to all lengths to match my client with their perfect home, for instance if there’s a certain neighborhood my client is interested in yet there are no homes for sale, I am not opposed to knocking on someone’s door and asking if they’re interested in selling and sometimes they actually do, then it becomes a win-win situation!
What are the top three ways sellers should prepare their homes for sale?
- Prepare everything from your landscaping, entry way, each room and entire home inside and out—as if you could have a dinner party at any moment.
- Invest in subtle, pleasant aromatherapy. A home with a stale or pet odor it can turn a buyer of.
- Create a warm, inviting ambiance so the buyer feels a sense of home during their tour—that’s half the sale.
What was your best transaction?
Luckily I have had many “best” transactions but one that comes to mind is when I was representing a Veteran which I have so much respect for. We encountered road block after road block—what began as one of my toughest transactions to the point that it overwhelmed my client and he wanted to give up and cancel the contract. I assured him we would succeed and in the end we did. It was heartwarming to me that he had enough faith in me as his agent to let me takeover. When we succeeded, he was so happy and to me that meant everything.
How do you spend your free time?
My family is my everything. The past year I spent my free time with my daughter Ireland preparing her for her SATs and looking at universities across the country, we were excited when she selected UA. Our family fun includes going to my son Donnovan’s high school baseball and football games. Also both my kids have been active in 4H. We love fishing and going to the lake.
And the beach—that’s my special place…
Contact Jacqueline Blaser McAbee at 831.245.6919 or visit JackieMcAbee.Properties
- Lasting legacy – February 22, 2019
- Social fabric – February 8, 2019
- Visiting South Valley vineyards – August 30, 2018