Rides with friends
Cycling with others can be sweet

Far out! It’s February! For some, that means Valentine’s Day; for weekend warrior cyclists, that means the start of the event ride calendar. From late February through early November, most weekends will offer all manner of charity rides. These events almost always include fully supported ride choices for all level of cyclists, including all manner of schweet schwag trappings that we know and love: T-shirts, water bottles, goody bags and more. (Check out “Save the Dates” or shoot me an email for more info.)
How are the New Year’s resolutions preceding? Are you getting out there to ride? Super! Is it hard to maintain the motivation? Don’t worry; that’s common. Have you considered riding with others? Sometimes just knowing that there are others out there ready to ride with you can be all the inspiration you need.
Where do you find fellow awesome cyclists with whom to ride? Easy! Start at your local bike shop. I know for a fact that Hollister’s Off the Chain Bikes (offthechainbikes.com) and Morgan Hill’s Bike Therapy (ridemorganhill.com) both sponsor a number of weekly rides for various skill levels. I’m not yanking your chain when I tell you that any bike shop employee will try their darnedest to match you with other riders. Bike Clubs like the Almaden Cycle Touring Club (actc.org) will do the same.So, gather up and get out!
Save the Dates
2/16–Almond Blossom Century–Ripon–musicfirstusa.info
2/24–Pedaling Paths to Independence–Linden–communitycenterfortheblind.org
3/2–King’s River Blossom Ride–Reedley–blossombikeride.com
3/9–Solvang Century–bikescor.com
3/16–El Granada 200k–santacruzrandonneurs.org
4/13–Tierra Bella–Gilroy–tierrabella.org
4/11-14–Sea Otter Classic–Monterey–seaotterclassic.com
5/12-18–Amgen Tour of California–amgentourofcalifornia.com
- Saluting Cyclists – June 18, 2021
- An austere anniversary – March 31, 2021
- Valentine’s, Velocipedes and Verdant Ventures – February 5, 2021