Safe summer cycling

Tips for biking during pandemic

Ever since April, I feel that I’ve been sharing nothing but rotten riding reports. This event has been canceled; that ride has been postponed. Through it all, I’ve also been trying to give the good news. We can still ride, as long as we follow the approved safety precautions (i.e., masks, gloves, social distancing). This month, I really wanted to focus primarily on the positive, so I enlisted the expertise of my team of experts: You!

Recently, on social media, I asked how you are making the cycling experience work during the pandemic. I was very pleased with the responses, and I plan to share them with you over the months ahead. Starting with:

• JU suggested shorter rides, thereby eliminating restroom stops. Genius!

• SC and SS both mentioned that this is a great time to assess the integrity of your bike gear. Is it time for a summer tune-up? Have the kids outgrown their helmets?

• NBC and AB both mentioned that trail riding early in the mornings and on weekdays will help you avoid a lot of stressful congestion.

• KC and JU both touted the use of a bicycle trainer at home, where you know you’ll be safe and virus-free.

• EP recommends taking bicycles camping with you! Brilliant!

• Finally, LZ and DP both mentioned the importance of bringing a mask or Buff along. These are especially important if you find yourself in a crowded area (or when you’re pulled over by the police for speeding).

Thanks for all the great ideas; next month, we explore bicycle picnics!

Save the Dates

Santa Cruz Mountains Challenge–Santa Cruz–CANCELED

Marin Century/Mt. Tam Double—CANCELED

Garden Railroad Tour–South County–CANCELED

Devil’s Slide Ride–Pacifica–NEW DATE

Bike the Bridges & BrewFest–POSTPONED

Curt “Cycle Guy” Hentschke has pedaled more than 60,000 miles of South Valley and San Benito County trails. Send your cycle celebrations to [email protected]. Check for last minute changes before attending.

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