Home & Garden

The bitter root

Kate Russell is a UCCE Master Gardener in Santa Clara county.
Latest posts by Kate Russell (see all)
Chicory root coffee may inspire thoughts of pastry and jazz, but this rugged roadside weed has a place in Gilroy gardens and landscapes. Chicory is a woody perennial that comes in many different varieties, depending on the cultivar used: roots (var. sativum) and leaves (var. [...]

A Passion for Plants: The tallest grass in the world

Nancy Schramm is the third generation owner of Carman's Nursery. She and her husband have lived in Gilroy for more than 30 years. Contact her at 408.847.22313 or visit www.carmansnursery.com
Nancy Schramm
Latest posts by Nancy Schramm (see all)
Bamboo. Do you love it or hate it? If you don’t think you like bamboo, let me try to change your mind. To start with, bamboo is a collective common name for hundreds (thousands?) of different plants (technically grasses). Bamboo can be less than a foot tall (at maturity) to [...]

Got vegetables?

After all the work home gardeners have done preparing garden beds, pulling weeds and irrigating, summer is normally a time of plenty. Plenty to harvest, plenty to store, and what on earth are you going to do with all those zucchini? You can make the most of your garden harvest [...]

Glorious miniature cactus

Nancy Schramm is the third generation owner of Carman's Nursery. She and her husband have lived in Gilroy for more than 30 years. Contact her at 408.847.22313 or visit www.carmansnursery.com
Nancy Schramm
Latest posts by Nancy Schramm (see all)
Ouch! That is my first thought when someone says “cactus”. But somehow a miniature cactus with glorious orange flowers has stolen my heart. Botanists call it Echinopsis chamaecereus or E. silvestrii, but most folks prefer the fun, common name “peanut cactus”. Research [...]

Edible Garden

Latest posts by Roseann Hernandez (see all)
One of the hottest culinary trends this summer, edible flowers, has a local champion in David Jamrock, the chef behind the sumptuous farm dinners at a downtown garden in Gilroy. Yet, while it took the influence of Food Network cooking programs to get people to try rose petals on [...]

Weeds be-gone

One of the hardest things about gardening is setting priorities. The to-do list never seems to end. Weeding, watering, deadheading, harvesting—there is always more to be done. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, you can make the most of your time in the garden by picking three [...]

Mushroom Masters

Debra Eskinazi is the editor of South Valley magazine.
Debra Eskinazi
Latest posts by Debra Eskinazi (see all)
So captivated by the mushroom, Egyptian pharaohs considered the famous fungi food for royalty and decreed that no commoner should touch them. The Egyptians were not alone in their reverence for the mushroom. Various civilizations in history have placed the mushroom central to [...]

A mom’s home & garden tour

Debra Eskinazi is the editor of South Valley magazine.
Debra Eskinazi
Latest posts by Debra Eskinazi (see all)
From original oak floors and pellet stoves to Gothic-style gables and outdoor aviaries, the Gilroy Assistance League has lined up five historic homes in the heart of Gilroy for its 13th annual Impressions: Home & Garden Tour. With the money raised during the 2016 home tour, [...]

All aflutter with color

Kimberly Ewertz is a freelance writer for South Valley magazine and Gilroy Dispatch.
Kimberly Ewertz
Latest posts by Kimberly Ewertz (see all)
Popular home decor trends like white on white kitchens, and barn door sliders, are no longer at the top of interior designers’ lists, so what are the “hot trends” for 2017? Teri Koss of Design Studio in Morgan Hill, began her career 35 years ago and says she doesn’t [...]

Shelter from the storm

Kimberly Ewertz is a freelance writer for South Valley magazine and Gilroy Dispatch.
Kimberly Ewertz
Latest posts by Kimberly Ewertz (see all)
After this winter’s storms, local residents realized just how important it is to perform routine checkups on their homes. A key step in ensuring a home’s safety and value is roof maintenance. Tom Sparling, longtime Morgan Hill resident and owner of Calpac Roofing since 1981, [...]
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