
Sidewalk serenade

Wallace Baine is a staff writer for New SV Media with extensive experience covering community arts in the region.
Wallace Baine
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They will arrive sometime after the first of July, mother and daughter, in a place reverently known as “Music City,” a place that for a young singer-songwriter from Gilroy might as well be called “Oz.” They will unpack, freshen up, maybe relax a bit. Then, Angelique [...]

‘Patriots from the Barrio’

San Jose writer Dave Gutierrez who wrote the true story of an all-Mexican American World War II will make an appearance from 2-4pm May 19 at the Gilroy Barnes and Noble Store. A new edition of his book, titled “Patriots from the Barrio,” from Westholme Publishing is now [...]

A coach with heart

Kimberly Ewertz is a freelance writer for South Valley magazine and Gilroy Dispatch.
Kimberly Ewertz
Latest posts by Kimberly Ewertz (see all)
The list of those who claim they’ve met a famous celebrity is relatively short, the list of those who claim they’ve taught a famous celebrity is shorter still. Britton Middle School’s Coach Jim Green is on that short list—he coached a 9-year-old Barry Bonds. Green is now [...]

Wonderful Waste

Kate Russell is a UCCE Master Gardener in Santa Clara county.
Latest posts by Kate Russell (see all)
The science behind composting is solid. Yard and kitchen waste are made of plants. In nature, plants decompose and return their nutrients to the soil. Other plants feed on those nutrients, growing stronger and healthier. As a bonus, adding compost to planting areas makes plants [...]

Three seaside settings

Ron Erskine is a local outdoors columnist and avid hiker.
Ron Erskine
Latest posts by Ron Erskine (see all)
Outdoor photographer and mountaineer, Galen Rowell, wrote that a landscape is most alluring at the edges; where the mountains rise above the plains or a stream divides a lush meadow. But no scenic boundary has stirred humankind’s imagination through the ages more than the [...]

Weeds be-gone

One of the hardest things about gardening is setting priorities. The to-do list never seems to end. Weeding, watering, deadheading, harvesting—there is always more to be done. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, you can make the most of your time in the garden by picking three [...]

Off-road paradise

Emanuel Lee is an avid runner and the Sports Editor for the Hollister Free Lance.
Emanuel Lee
Before Hollister Hills became the first State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) in California in 1975, it was operated privately as a motorcycle park. “The history with Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) goes all the way back to the 1950s, before the state even purchased it,” says [...]

Battle of the beach

Ron Erskine is a local outdoors columnist and avid hiker.
Ron Erskine
Latest posts by Ron Erskine (see all)
Long before Martin’s Beach was a battleground pitting a landowner’s purported property rights against the peoples’ right to coastal access, it was simply a destination for surfers and beachgoers. I knew of Martin’s Beach before it became a regular news item, but I had [...]


Bev Stenehjem is a wine columnist for South Valley Magazine and is the author of the Wineries of Santa Clara Valley, Arcadia Publishing. Bev also promotes the Wineries of Santa Clara Valley association on Facebook and Twitter. Reach her at [email protected].
Bev Stenehjem
Latest posts by Bev Stenehjem (see all)
Getting to Stefania Wine took us onto a meandering country road through the golden hills of west Gilroy. We pulled up front to the tasting room, adjacent to the winemakers’ home owned by Stefania and Paul Romero. As married business partners, Stefania and Paul take care of the [...]

Cabaret performances

Lover of arts & books; ukulele learner; therapeutic knitter; long-distance runner. Former Arts and Books Editor at Herald-Tribune.
Susan Rife
Latest posts by Susan Rife (see all)
Limelight Actors Theater had a perfect plan for its spring show: Souvenir, a 2006 play by Stephen Temperley that featured the relationship between New York socialite Florence Foster Jenkins, who couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, and her accompanist, Cosme McMoon. A movie [...]
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